The Hidden Benefits Of Vitamins: Why You Should Be Taking Them Everyday
For many people, vitamins are something you take once in a while when you’re feeling under the weather or when you aren’t eating as healthily as you should be. But even if you don’t think of them as being important in the grand scheme of your daily diet, they play an important role, particularly if you are following a low-calorie diet. These are some of the hidden benefits of vitamins to make you see why they’re worth taking on a regular basis.
What are some reasons you should be taking vitamins?
There are many benefits to eating healthy foods. Not only can it help you stay healthy, but it’s also a good way to ensure that you get all of your nutrients. Even if you’re not deficient in any vitamins or minerals, there are still some good reasons to take them as a supplement. For more information browse sites like
How do they help?
No matter how much sleep we get or what we eat, our bodies can never be in 100 percent perfect health all of the time. The truth is that even if you eat healthily and exercise regularly, your body will still come up short on vitamins and minerals because no single food contains everything you need. It’s best to get a full spectrum of nutrients from a combination of foods, and vitamins help us do just that.
What vitamins should I be taking?
Each vitamin helps a different function in your body. You might know about all of them, or you may have one or two favorites. Whatever your reasons for taking vitamins, it’s important to get enough of each type every day. It can be easy to forget which vitamins do what, so here’s a quick guide to make sure you’re getting everything you need.
Are there any dangers?
While vitamin supplements aren’t inherently dangerous, you shouldn’t take more than your body needs. If you have any medical condition or are taking other medications, consult a doctor before taking supplements. Certain people are also at risk of experiencing complications or side effects. Pregnant women, for example, should consult their doctor before taking extra iron or vitamins A and D; these vitamins can cause birth defects and other problems in fetuses.
What are some good sources of vitamins?
Since our bodies can’t synthesize vitamins, they must be obtained through diet. We need 13 vitamins in total to function properly—vitamins A, C, D, E, and K are fat-soluble and stored in your body for future use; vitamins B and H2O are water soluble and excess amounts will be excreted. As mentioned on all vitamins have a specific role in maintaining healthy organ systems or assisting with chemical reactions in your body.
How can I track my vitamin intake?
There are a number of ways to track your vitamin and mineral intake. Most people like to use an app such as MyFitnessPal because it tracks most vitamins, minerals, and macro nutrients. This allows you to see how much of each you have in your diet and make adjustments if needed. A great tip is writing down everything that goes into your mouth each day or week so that it’s easier to keep track of what you’re consuming.
Can I take too many vitamins?
It’s a question that comes up often enough—can you really take too many vitamins and not suffer any consequences? In short, no, it’s pretty impossible to overdose on vitamins. The exception would be fat-soluble vitamin A, which can be toxic if taken in large doses. But in general, you should feel free to take as many vitamins as you like.
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