Thermogenic Fat Burners – The Ultimate Guide

As you’re probably well aware, fat loss comes down to one thing in the end: energy consumed vs. energy expended (or, in calorie-speak, Calories In vs. Calories Out). Some dietary supplements can help you burn more calories and speed up your metabolism, which can make weight loss easier and faster when combined with exercise and a healthy diet. One type…

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7 Foods That Cause Belly Swelling (And What to Eat Instead)

More than 35 million Americans suffer from bloating and discomfort due to digestive issues like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), chronic diarrhea, constipation, and heartburn. A condition called abdominal distension can be one of the most uncomfortable symptoms because it causes the belly to swell outward, which can make you appear pregnant or even cause back pain if it’s severe enough.…

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5 Brain-Boosting Foods to Help You Ace Your Exams

If you’re a student, you know that the days leading up to midterms and finals can be overwhelming with studying and research. This doesn’t leave much time to prepare meals, let alone healthy ones. Luckily, eating well doesn’t have to take away from your studies—in fact, it can even enhance them! The key to consuming brain-boosting foods without sacrificing study…

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5 Olive Oil Benefits You Didn’t Know About

Olive oil has many health benefits that have been proven by science, but unfortunately, it hasn’t gotten the recognition it deserves. With the exception of Mediterranean populations, most people in Western countries don’t consume olive oil as often as they should; the majority of them are still choosing vegetable oils. But if you want to reap the health benefits of…

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Can You Tell the Difference Between Vegetable Oil and Canola Oil?

If you’ve ever looked into the ingredients of a packaged food, chances are you’ve come across either vegetable oil or canola oil at some point. But how do you know which one to pick? What’s the difference between vegetable oil and canola oil? To answer these questions, you need to know that there are many types of oils out there;…

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