How pineapple grows on a tree. Pineapple on the windowsill. Do pineapples bloom

But not everyone knows where this fruit grows and how long it takes. How pineapple grows – you will learn all the most interesting about this exotic delicacy from this article!

Where pineapples grow: places of growth

Initially, such herbaceous plants grew only in the south of Brazil and in Paraguay. These two places are considered the birthplace of exotic fruit, but today it is cultivated in many southern countries.

Where pineapples grow today:

1. On Hawaii concentrated around 30% of world production of this fruit.
2. Pineapple plantations can also be found in Costa Rica
3. In the Philippines and Thailand, pineapples are grown not only for human consumption but also for making spinning fibre from their leaves.
4. Pineapples continue to be grown in Brazil, and these plantations can be found throughout the southeast coast of Asia.

Thus, the places where pineapples grow are warm exotic countries. The fact is that for the fruit to fill, it needs a sufficient amount of sunlight. It is impossible to grow a pineapple in countries where summer lasts 2-3 months a year.

How and on what do pineapples grow?

Large-crested pineapple belongs to the Bromiliev family. The plant grows in the form of a shrub with large sharp leaves, the height of which rarely exceeds 90 cm. In the middle is a long stem with a peduncle. After several dozen flowers have been pollinated, small berries will be tied from them. Being filled with juice, such berries merge, as a result of which a common fruit appears. That is why the pineapple itself outwardly resembles a big cone made up of several dozen small ones.

We discovered what pineapples grow in nature; now, we will find out how these plants reproduce. This happens in several ways at once:

– seeds that are located immediately under the skin and outwardly resemble apple seeds;
– lateral shoots, which specialists are in a hurry to cut off as soon as their roots begin to grow;
– the tops of the plant, the so-called “palm”, which should be planted in the ground, in a deep hole.

I wonder how homemade pineapple grows, and is it possible? If the temperature allows, you can get fruits by planting a seed or a purchased top of a plant, having previously tied the pot on top with a package. Cellophane will create a vacuum effect, and comfortable thermal conditions will help the pineapple grow quickly and yield a harvest.


How much pineapple grows: stages of fruit ripening

Growing pineapple is a laborious and complex process, and sometimes it takes more than a year. A seed that has fallen into the ground is ready for flowering only after 12-15 months. All this time, pineapple has been creating a leaf outlet. A year later, a lilac inflorescence appears in the middle of the plant. In the future, the flowers disappear, and in their place, small berries appear, which almost immediately grow together. The final ripening of the fetus takes about 3-6 months. Thus, full maturation can take 15 to 20 months.

On the plantation, this period is slightly reduced since the plants are grown not with the help of seeds but by planting the top of the plant – the “palm”. Such a pineapple can begin to bloom after 6 months, which means that the ripening period of the fruit will be almost halved!

The laborious process of growing pineapple is good because it is perennial: it can bear fruit for several seasons, growing in one place. However, having learned the answer to how much a real pineapple grows, many gardeners give up the idea of ​​growing an exotic fruit on the windowsill.

The most unusual information about an exotic fruit:

1. Acetylene gas is used to enhance the flowering of pineapple on plantations. How does pineapple grow in such conditions? Under the influence of the substance, inflorescences begin to appear, and the fruits themselves lose seeds.
2. In the Hawaiian Islands, special caps are put on pineapple plants. This is to ensure that native hummingbirds do not naturally pollinate the flowers.
3. Pineapple is depicted on the coat of arms of Jamaica and the state of Antigua and Barbuda.
4. The optimum temperature for growing fruit is 24-30 C. At a lower or higher value, the fruits begin to ripen more slowly, and the temperature factor can also affect the taste.
5. The fruit is trendy among those who dream of losing weight, as it contains bromelain. This substance is an enzyme that breaks down fats.

This is not the end of interesting and reliable facts about pineapples because such amazing plants are a source of vitamins of groups B, A, C. Also, the pulp contains iron, calcium, zinc, iodine and potassium.

The popularity of pineapple is growing every year, affecting the increase in the number of plantations. How pineapple grows and amateur gardeners try to get exotic fruit fruits with great taste in their backyards. Indeed, back in 1519, one of the members of Magellan’s expedition 1519 said that pineapple is “truly the most delicious fruit that can be found on Earth”!

Pineapple is one of the most beloved and valuable fruits not only in our country. The recognized king of tropical fruits gives people its freshness in hot countries, and northerners are reminded of summer by its sunny colours and southern aroma.

Pineapples don’t grow on palms.

Pineapple is a tropical herb of the bromeliad family. There are many perennial species in nature, but all valuable cultivars are obtained from the Large-crested Pineapple, or Ananas comosus.

Pineapple leaves are quite tough, with finely toothed edges form a dense rosette about 60 cm high. Their ability to accumulate and retain moisture gives the plant succulent properties and excellent adaptability to dry hot climates.

During flowering, a peduncle with an inflorescence in the form of an ear appears from the rosette of leaves. Pineapple flowers are bisexual, growing together. Flowering lasts from 10 to 20 days, after which the fruit is tied – a bud in the form of a cone with additional vegetative leaves on the top of the head, growing a tuft, hence the name – crested or large-crested.

Pineapple ripens when the cone reaches a weight of about 2 kg, and the surface acquires a pleasant golden colour. Compound fruit consists of a rigid axis with juicy fruits attached, fused, on the tops of which there are coarse parts of the flower and cover leaf. The seeds of cultivated pineapple varieties do not ripen but remain in their infancy.

Fruit use

Pineapple fruits have long been appreciated for their delicious, aromatic and very juicy pulp. In China, this fruit is the main decoration of the New Year’s table, as a symbol of the success and prosperity of the family.
In South America, pineapple is considered a medicinal plant. Compresses from the pulp and coarse fibres of the fruit, applied to open wounds, relieve inflammation. In the Philippines, the tough pineapple leaves were used to produce fibre used to make natural fabrics.

Even though the peel of tropical fruit is considered inedible, they prepare a drink from it in Mexico, similar to our kvass – tepache. Sugar is added to the peeled pineapple peel and fermented. After 2-3 days, the refreshing drink is ready. It is served in tall glass glasses with crushed ice.

Beneficial features

Sweet and sour pineapple pulp contains a lot of sugars and organic acids. The rich content of vitamins of groups B, A and PP and valuable minerals – potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine and others provide its food value.

Pineapple juice and pulp are used:

– with thrombosis, as a blood thinner;
– with obesity – a low-calorie content and the presence of potassium salts, which remove excess fluid from the body, help to reduce weight;
– in case of indigestion – improves the activity of fermentation of gastric juice;
– with vitamin deficiencies – juice as a source of useful trace elements and vitamins;
– in cosmetology – masks and lotions with the addition of pineapple juice tighten pores and dry, oily skin.

The famous Sophia Loren, who has a girlish figure in adulthood, eats two pineapples every day. It is to this fruit that the actress attributes the ability to “burn” fat and maintain well-being.

The pulp of an unripe pineapple burns the mucous membrane of the mouth and causes severe indigestion. Ripe fruit loses its laxative properties, acquiring enzymes that improve digestion.

All kinds of jams and confitures are prepared from pineapple, used for filling when baking cakes and pastries. The fruits preserved in their own juice are used in a healthy diet and are components of all kinds of salads.

Where are these fruits grown?

The homeland of pineapple is the sunny plateaus of Brazil. It was from there that the exotic fruit began its journey around the world. In the 16th century, Portuguese sailors brought pineapple to India and Africa, and in the 17th century, Europe also met it. True, European climatic conditions do not allow growing this fruit in the open air, so it was settled here in a greenhouse. In the same way, it was possible to obtain the fruits of this plant in St. Petersburg and even on the Solovetsky Islands for a long time. But in the 19th century, with the development of a merchant shipping company, it became unprofitable to deal with pineapples since they were brought in large quantities from plantations, and greenhouses refused to grow exotic fruits.

Today, the main large plantations supplying pineapples worldwide are Brazil, the Philippine Islands, Thailand and Taiwan. In Russia, this fruit is grown only by amateur gardeners at home, in pots or heated greenhouses and greenhouses.

On Valaam, a few years ago, novices tried to root pineapples in the monastery greenhouse, among ordinary vegetables and herbs. The experiment was a success, and today several exotic fruits are ready to diversify the menu of ascetics.

Distribution of pineapples in the wild

In Brazil, wild pineapples are still found in their homeland, settling among grass stands or along the edges of forests. Their fruits are much smaller than varietal ones and not so tasty, but, unlike cultural relatives, they retained the ability to reproduce by seeds. Seeds are absent or do not ripen; therefore, reproduction occurs by layering and rooting the top.

A bit of agricultural technology

For some reason, many people think that pineapple, like dates, grows on a palm tree. Not at all – all species and varieties of this plant are herbaceous perennials. Pineapple plantation is a field with low shrubs on which these wonderful fruits are formed. Proper care of pineapple, like any other crop, will ensure a rich harvest. Plants are planted in rows at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other. And then everything is as usual – weeding, watering in a drought, fertilizing with fertilizers, fighting diseases and pests. If everything is done correctly, it will be possible to get 2-3 harvests per year.

The planted young pineapple rosette develops and gains mass for the first year. It blooms only 1–1.5 years after planting. The flowering and ripening of the fruit depends on the plant variety and can take from three to six months. Fruiting plants are removed, and new sockets are planted in their place.

Ornamental potted cultivation

Pineapple is most often propagated by rooting the tops of the fruit or by layering. Less commonly, seeds are used for these purposes since ripe seeds are absent in the purchased fruits and are scarce on sale. They are propagated by layering if there is already an adult plant from which planting material can be taken.

When choosing a pineapple for planting, we first pay attention to the condition of the fruit. The pineapple skin should be even, without dents and damage; the leaves are elastic, without spoilage. But the main thing is that the pineapple must have a growth point. Therefore, you need to look very carefully at the centre of the outlet – the leaves should be alive, green, and without damage.

For rooting, it is necessary to separate the crown from the fetus. If the pineapple is ripe enough, it can be easily unscrewed by rotating it clockwise or cutting off with a knife, grabbing 2-3 cm from the fruit. Peel the cut off top of the lower leaves and pulp residues. It is best to root in a glass jar of water, not dipping into the leaves. After about a month, the first roots will appear, and after a week, the pineapple can be planted in a pot.

A rooted plant will take about a year to prepare for flowering. The rosette will noticeably grow during this time, and the first peduncle will appear in spring or summer. The ear is 10 to 15 cm long and contains a variety of bright pink or purple flowers. The flowers open gradually from the base to the crown, and, after a month, the fruits begin to set. Growing rapidly, they merge, turning into one juicy fruit. Ripening will be completed in 4–5 months.

Of course, grown in a pot, pineapple fruit will not be as large as its counterparts ripening in the tropics, but the taste and aroma will be just as good.

It often happens that indoor pineapple develops well, but it never blooms. Insufficient lighting may be the cause. In this case, it is necessary to rearrange the plant to the south window or use supplementary lighting with a photo lamp. You can also use stimulants of flowering and fruiting.

After ripening, the fruit is cut off, and the plant itself, if there are no other peduncles on it, is renewed. It’s easier to say – they say goodbye to him, dropping one of the appearing processes in his place. Repeated fruiting in indoor conditions is extremely rare, and a rosette without seed fruit does not represent decorative value, although it takes up a lot of space.

Thanks to exports, and pineapple is in fourth place in terms of supply after bananas, grapes and citrus fruits, today this tropical fruit is available in every corner of the globe. The refined taste and aroma and the presence of fibre, vitamins, and substances necessary for health in the pulp make this fruit tasty and a healthy dessert.

The delicious pineapple fruit contains many useful biologically active substances. A low-calorie fruit high in potassium helps fight excess weight. In the 18th century, this tropical fruit came to the table of Europeans exclusively from greenhouses. Nowadays, it is easy to buy pineapple grown in the usual conditions in tropical countries in the store. If you provide the appropriate conditions for this “exotic”, you can try to grow pineapple yourself.

Where and how pineapple grows in natural conditions

Pineapple is a perennial herb. Its toothed, coarse leaves with sharp tips grow up to 1 meter long; the root system is superficial. The plant blooms once every one and a half to two years; the peduncle can reach 80 centimetres in height.

Pineapple blooms once every one and a half to two years

Numerous bisexual flowers, about a hundred, form a dense inflorescence. Their colour changes from light blue to maroon depending on the lighting. The smell is delicate, with a light “pineapple” aroma. At the top of the inflorescence, a “crested” is formed – a rosette of bract leaves with a growth point.

Flowering lasts from one to two weeks; then, the densely-seated ovaries form a cone-shaped seed bud covered with hard scales. Fruit ripening lasts from 3 to 6 months. The average weight of pineapple is 1 kilogram. About 80 varieties of this plant are known; their fruits differ in shape, taste, colour and size.

Insects and small hummingbirds pollinate pineapple flowers.

Thailand exports apple-sized sweet pineapples. The largest pineapple grown on the plantation weighed 8 kilograms.

Pineapple is a tropical fruit. Under natural conditions, it grows in tropical climatic zones of South and Central America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. The most favourable air temperature for growing it is from 22 ° C to 30 ° C; pineapple does not develop below 18 ° C.

The supply of water in the fleshy leaves helps it survive short periods of drought. Their shape facilitates moisture ingress directly to the additional roots, in large quantities formed in the leaf axils.

Christopher Columbus, who reached the shores of modern America during his voyage, was the first of the Europeans to get acquainted with the pineapple.

How pineapples reproduce

These plants reproduce by seeds and shoots, lateral and apical. Under natural conditions, the seeds of wild pineapple are spread by animals and birds that eat the fruits. Cultivated pineapples are propagated mainly in a vegetative way.

Pineapple seeds are small, slightly curved.

The seeds are yellow-brown in colour, about 4 mm long; if you are lucky, you can get them from the ripe fruit. They must be washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and slightly dried. Seeds are planted in a soil mixture of equal parts of peat and sand to a depth of 1–2 cm and covered with a film. The higher the temperature, the faster they will germinate.

At temperatures between 30 ° C and 35 ° C, seeds will germinate in 2–3 weeks; at a lower temperature, but not lower than 20 ° C, it will take 1 to 2 months for germination.

The seedlings are watered and fed regularly. Watered with warm water, preventing the soil from drying out. They are fed every two weeks with organic or complex mineral fertilizers. Seedlings grown up to 7 cm are transplanted to a permanent place.

Pineapple forms basal and apical shoots

Pineapple forms numerous basal shoots – rosettes of leaves. Shoots that have reached 20 cm of growth are carefully broken out after fruiting, and before planting, they are kept for 4-7 days in a suspended state with foliage down. Cuttings dried in this way will be resistant to decay.

Prepared pineapple cuttings in warm climates can be planted directly into the ground

Cuttings can be rooted before planting in the main place. For this, a substrate is prepared:

– bottom layer – expanded clay / gravel / coarse river sand;
– top layer – peat + perlite in equal parts.

It is necessary to maintain the soil temperature at 25 ° C and ensure high humidity. Under these conditions, the roots will appear in about 1 month.

The apical leaf rosette is carefully twisted out of the ripe fruit, or the top is cut off with a knife along with the pulp. Stages of preparation of the cutting:

1. Peel off the excess pulp.
2. Release the root buds by cutting off the lower leaves of the tuft.
3. Remove the lower leaves to leave a bare stem 2–3 cm tall.
4. Dry the cutting for two days.

You can root the stalk in water. To do this, place the stem 3-4 cm in a container with water. After the roots appear, the stalk can be planted in a permanent place.

When rooting the cuttings in the ground, the dried rosette is slightly pressed into the prepared substrate and watered with a warm weak solution of potassium permanganate. From above, the pot can be covered with a cut-off five-litre bottle and put in a warm place, protecting it from direct sunlight. The soil in the pot should always be moist. The appearance of young green leaves indicates the formation of roots. The primitive greenhouse should be removed, and the plant can be transplanted into a larger pot.

Growing pineapple

During the XVII-XIX centuries, Europeans have accumulated a lot of experience in growing pineapples in greenhouses. Ripe fruits were difficult and expensive to ship from South America, where they grew naturally. Gradually, this fruit began to grow in other countries with a tropical climate located in Africa and Asia. Huge pineapple plantations, providing consumers with fresh fruit year-round, and their timely delivery by fast transport led the greenhouse business to decline. In modern Europe, the cultivation of “exotics” in pots is practised; they are used to decorate patios in Italy and the southern regions of France.

In the 19th century, Russia supplied Europe with pineapples grown in greenhouses. They even grew on Solovki, not far from the Arctic Circle. Near Tula, an exotic fruit ripened in greenhouses belonging to Prince Volkonsky, the ancestor of L.N. Tolstoy. In Yasnaya Polyana, an experiment on cultivating tropical plants in the middle zone is successfully continued.

Greenhouse method

Indoors, pineapples can be cultivated if the conditions are right. Specially equipped greenhouses can provide a comfortable climate for delicate tropical fruits.

Pineapples are grown by monks on Valaam. Various tropical plants are grown in a greenhouse on Valaam, including pineapples. You can grow pineapples in a recessed greenhouse built by your own hands. The climate in a thermos greenhouse is suitable for pineapples.

Requirements for growing:

– The soil is acidic, pH = 4.0–5.0.
– Temperature – constant, ranging from 22 ° C to 25 ° C.
Lighting – 6-8 hours a day, and additional light sources are needed in the autumn-winter period.
– Watering – not too frequent, but plentiful. Do not allow the soil to dry out and excess moisture. The water temperature should be equal to the air temperature. If it is above 25 ° C, water can be poured directly into the leaf rosette. It is recommended to spray the plant between waterings.
– Topdressing – from April to September weekly, in other months – every 2 weeks. Complex mineral and organic fertilizers alternate. You can use bird droppings: 20 g of fertilizer per 1 litre of water.
– To accelerate flowering, plants are sprayed with acetylene or fumigated with smoke.

To obtain acetylene, calcium carbide is mixed with water. Pineapples are sprayed with this solution: acetylene, getting into the soil, is reduced to ethylene by microflora.

A loose soil mixture is prepared from several components:

– humus – 1 part;
– peat – 1 part;
– sod land – 1 part;
– garden land – 1 part;
– river sand – 1 part.

Photophilous pineapple grows poorly in low light. An indicator of the good condition of the plant is the reddish tips of young leaves and the bluish-green colour of old ones. In a greenhouse, the plant is planted from the south or east side.

In the greenhouse, pineapples can be grown from seeds and cuttings. Suitable conditions can be created in a thermos greenhouse. This energy-efficient greenhouse is installed in a two-meter deep pit.

Greenhouses buried in the ground have long been used to grow thermophilic plants in harsh climatic conditions. They cannot be used in areas with a high groundwater table, and in spring and during heavy rains, the greenhouse may be flooded.

Growing pineapple outdoors

This tropical fruit can only be grown outdoors in tropical countries. The largest plantations are in the pineapple exporting countries:

USA (Hawaiian Islands), Brazil, Costa Rica, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Vietnam.

Pineapples are also grown in the Azores, Africa (Kenya, Nigeria, Cote d’Ivoire) and India, Cuba, Colombia and Mexico.

Growing pineapples at home

At home, on the windowsill, pineapple is grown from corydalis. The rooted rosette of leaves is planted in a larger pot and placed on the south or east window. It will take several years before you can feast on homemade pineapple. Growing conditions:

We keep the air temperature at least 18 ° C.
For an adult plant, a 3-4 litre pot is suitable.
At the bottom of the pot, we lay a 3 cm thick expanded clay/pebble drainage system.
We use ready-made soil for bromeliads.
Sprinkle with warm water 1-2 times a week, preventing the soil from drying out and water stagnation.
Spray periodically with warm water.
We feed once every 2 weeks with complex mineral or organic fertilizers.
When the air temperature is below 18 ° C, the plant goes into a dormant state. It is not necessary to fertilize and water it intensively.
Remove old leaves as they dry.
To control pests and diseases, we use common insecticides and fungicides used for domestic plants.
The flowering of the plant can be expected a year and a half after planting. If it does not bloom, we treat it with acetylene.
For the preparation of acetylene, take 1-2 tsp—calcium carbide in half a litre of water. The filtered solution is added 50 ml to the upper part of the leaves for a week. After a month and a half, the pineapple should bloom.

What is pineapple

There are still ongoing debates between scientists about how to classify it. It belongs to the Bromeliad family; it is a herbaceous fruit plant. By way of fruiting, it is similar to cabbage, but still, pineapple is a fruit. His homeland is the arid regions of South America. It is a perennial plant, and it can be harvested regularly.

Contrary to assurances, it does not grow in the ground like a root crop. Straight leaves up to 90 cm long emerge from the soil. In the centre, an inflorescence is formed on a fleshy peduncle, from which the fruit is formed. Probably, everyone will be interested to know that an elegant cone is a seed, a cluster of small fruits, each of which is formed from its own flower. Therefore, its surface is so cellular. Hummingbirds pollinate them, and what we eat is the fruit of self-pollinated flowers that do not form seeds. Knowing how pineapple grows, you can try planting it at home.

Where pineapples grow

Pineapples grow in their homeland and all tropical countries; in Hawaii, the Philippines, there are many plantations in India. In Russia, they are also engaged in cultivation, but for this, they use greenhouses. Pineapple fields are an amazing sight. Fleshy thorny stems rise from the ground, and golden cones crown them. Depending on the timing of ripening, the colour can vary from red to straw yellow.

In the first year, seeds are used for planting. After about 12 months, the plant will release an arrow and begin to form a fruit. After it ripens, it enters the multiplication phase and releases lateral processes from the sinuses. They are harvested to grow new plants and so that the pineapple begins to bear fruit again. After harvesting the second harvest, the plants are uprooted, and the plantation is replanted. The presence of seeds in fruits greatly spoils their taste, so people diligently prevent pollination.

Probably, the reader will be interested to know how pineapple grows in the wild. These plants have stronger leaves and smaller fruits. Since no one bothers the birds here to pollinate pineapples, they are full of seeds. Some animals enjoy these fruits with pleasure.

Reproduction methods

If we talk about how pineapple grows, then the question of reproduction arises. There are three ways. The first is seeds. To be viable, the fruit must be overripe, with soft pulp, while imported fruits are harvested green. They ripen just under the skin. It is possible to grow such a seed in a pot, but it will take many years, and even then, provided that suitable conditions are met. Otherwise, the sprout will die.

The second method is side shoots. Adult plantlets out small crests from the sides, resembling the top of the fruit, and after a while, roots begin to grow on them. Then they can be cut and planted.

The third method is the most accessible. They are usually used if they want to grow such an exotic plant. This is the tip of a normal bud. The green tuft, which we usually discard, can be a valuable planting material. Growing pineapple is an exciting activity. Even if it does not bear fruit, it still looks imposing. And if your friends are fond of floriculture, then a pineapple plant in a beautiful pot will be a great gift.

Rooting the plant in water

First, you need to choose a good fruit. There must be no rot and traces of diseases on it; special attention should be paid to the quality of the leaves. Above should be a strong “sultan” of green leaves. The season also plays a role. A fruit bought in winter is more likely to be frostbitten; even after a short time in the cold air, it will lose the ability to root. The most suitable season for buying is late summer-early autumn. Choose fruits from good supermarkets; the market is too likely to buy stale goods.

Growing pineapples at home don’t require you to have tremendous gardening skills. The main thing is patience and adherence to the temperature regime. More on this later, but now you need to separate the green crest from the pulp as soon as possible. To do this, collect all the leaves in a bunch and turn it counterclockwise with an elegant hand movement. You will have a stalk in your hands, from which you need to remove the lower leaves. In this case, the roots may be exposed, but you should not rely on them; they will no longer germinate. Do not rush to put the stalk in the water; it will definitely rot. It is better to rinse it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and hang it on a string to dry for three days. During this time, the slices will heal. At the same time, you can enjoy the wonderful taste of tropical fruit.

Prepare a dark glass jar with a soft lid, in which you can make a hole and fix the stalk well so that the upper leaves do not float in the water. On top of the jar with pineapple placed in it, you should put it in a plastic bag to maintain a humid microclimate. The water needs to be changed approximately every two days. With the appearance of roots (about a month later), you can remove the package and start transplanting it into the ground.

Rooting in the substrate

Some people prefer to immediately plant the cutting in a pot not to injure the roots during transplantation. You also need to select a healthy large fruit carefully and cut off its upper part with a clean knife along with the green “cockade”. Now carefully separate the excess pulp to leave a green part with a small stump leg. An obligatory step is to dry the outlet. It is also washed in a solution of potassium permanganate and left hanging on a rope, so it should spend 3-5 days.

Further, a recess is made in the soil, into which activated carbon is poured, and a socket is placed there, slightly moistened. It is essential to install additional spacers to attach the handle to prevent it from falling. The top must be loosely closed with a bag. Be sure to put it in a bright, warm place; the rosette takes root at a temperature of about 27 degrees. After about a month and a half, the roots appear, and the bag can be removed. You need to water it a little and always with warm water.

Planting a plant. We select the pot.

Initially, planting requires a pot of the same diameter as the pineapple itself. You can increase the volume as you grow, but it should not exceed 3-4 litres, even for an adult plant. As a substrate, you can take a ready-made soil mixture for bromeliads, cacti or succulents. The orchid mix is ​​also suitable. Do not forget to make good drainage from expanded clay and make holes. If you prepare the mixture yourself, take 2 parts of sod land and leafy soil, humus and sand. The top 3 centimetres of the pot should be filled with a mixture of sand and leaf humus, and in the centre – make a depression and pour in charcoal. The first transplant to the plant may be required after a year, but take a pot of slightly larger diameter.

Flowering and feeding

Growing pineapples at home is a fascinating process. Don’t expect quick results. The plant will actively grow; only by the middle of the second year of life, the pineapple can release an arrow. Typically, for a potted plant, this figure is pushed back to the age of two and a half years. If you still have not waited for the arrow, you can try to stimulate its appearance artificially. Remember that pineapple is a herb; flowering and subsequent fruiting will inevitably lead to the death of the plant. It is almost impossible to achieve a second harvest under indoor conditions. Another thing is that after fruiting, the plant actively reproduces, and a large number of layers can be planted. They are already adapted to their environment and will grow much faster.

The simplest way to stimulate flowering is to create conditions close to the natural habitat of the plant. To help flower growers, special products are sold that can awaken pineapple. The simplest is ethylene. It can be obtained by spreading ripe red apples around the plant. But calculating the amount of gas released is difficult, as is the likelihood of bloom. It is much safer to use calcium carbide. One teaspoon is dissolved in 0.5 litres of water and infused with the lid tightly closed during the day. Then the infusion should be carefully drained so that the sediment remains at the bottom. The resulting water should be watered once a day for a week, pouring 50 ml of liquid into the central part of the outlet. Within two months, you will see flowering, which lasts only one day, and the beginning of an adorable cone fruit formation.

For the plant to grow and develop well, mandatory feeding is required. This is the answer to the question of how beautiful your pineapple will be. How long it grows in nature, we know – about 2 years. At home, the life span, decorative properties and fruiting depend to a greater extent on the plant’s nutrition. Every 10 days, it is fed with complex mineral fertilizer. You can use strained mullein infusion. Do not use alkaline fertilizers, wood ash, lime.

Temperature regime

If you choose to grow your homemade pineapple, caring for it will involve keeping it warm and humid. This is a tropical plant, so the temperature should be at least 28 degrees during the entire period from March to September. Good lighting is necessary, at least 12 hours a day, but preferably without direct sunlight, although an adult plant is not burned even on the southern window. In winter, it is better to keep it at a temperature of 22 degrees. If the thermometer drops below 20, the plant will start to ache and may die. Drafts are also unacceptable, and in winter, additional lighting with a fluorescent lamp is required.


The plant is quite capricious in terms of watering. Have you seen how pineapples grow? Photos of exotic plantations show huge areas planted with thorny plants, which are heated and dried by the sun, feed with moisture streams of warm rains. Approximately the same should be done at home: allow the soil to dry slightly, and then pour warm rain or meltwater, be sure to spray the leaves and add water to the centre of the outlet.


As you can see, growing pineapple is a very interesting and exciting experience. The plant will delight you with decorative leaves and beautiful flowers, and if you are lucky, you will enjoy homemade fruits.

Pineapple is a very unusual fruit, about which we know very little: how to eat, peel and what to cook from it. But how pineapple grows and is it possible to grow it at home – information for many is completely new.

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